How to set up an open space?

If the first generation of open spaces was synonymous with a noisy environment with a lack of intimacy, the suitable furniture now manages to unite well-being and productivity, also in a communal office. But you must of course set it up appropriately. The layout of the desks, the partition walls, the standards... we'll sort it all out for you!How to set up an open space?


Today, many employees work in an open space, and this is of course no coincidence. This arrangement offers many advantages: space savings, cost savings, increased communication and team cohesion, just to name a few. There is, however, a "but". Working in an open space often creates a noisy atmosphere, a loss of intimacy and a lower concentration.

That's why the norm NF X 35-102 recommends a minimal space of :
10 m² for only 1 person11 m² per person in a communal office (and 22 m² for 2 persons, etc.)15 m² per person in a communal and noisy office (for example when you need to make a lot of telephone calls).
When it comes to a communal office, it is recommended not to place more than 5 people together from a homogeneous working group (with common objectives and instructions, similar tasks, group stability,...)

But let's start now!


If you want a functional and pleasant open space, you must be able to easily adapt the space to your needs, the reshuffling of the group, the arrival of new employees,... But rest assured, there are various solutions for this!

Choose for desks with simple shapes
Let's forget about oval or strongly rounded shapes! Of course everything depends on the space you have available, but, for your information, the worksheets that have always proven their usefulness in an open space are rather rectangular (with or without a sideboard). If you need a larger depth, opt for a hollow, compact workstation. You will see, this model will help you save a few precious square centimeters.

Give preference to mobile drawer cabinets
They take up little space and can be easily moved thanks to the wheels. As a result, they meet all your expectations! And some also come with a cushion, ideal for improvising a small, informal meeting. Isn't that smart?
Play with modular options and save place
Configuration of the desks in an open space
Zoom on
the configuration of the desks in an open space

Linear, rosette-shaped or flower-shaped...
These three configurations guarantee a good, visual communication between the different team members.
With the flower-shaped configuration you enjoy an extra asset: you gain extra space in the depth, so that the average surface per person changes from 5 m to 6 m².
Pure magic? Nope, simply by using workstations with hollow worktops :-)


The incessant rushing can become annoying in an open space. So remember to optimize circulation by opting for a streamlined layout of the various spaces. Install private boxes and meeting rooms that are accessible to everyone. These spaces are indispensable to create a confidential atmosphere for telephone conversations or, for example, for an informal meeting, without being bothered by the presence of other colleagues.

Some concrete ideas:
A small round table in a corner of an open space offers to 2 or 3 persons the possibility to talk separately in peace, without disturbing the whole office. Sound insulating couches or sofas at the reception are perfect for a telephone call or an informal meeting.A high table or reception table in the canteen gives you the opportunity to talk in peace, with a cup of coffee.


"Hell is other people" said Sartre and it is a fact: ambient noise comes mainly from others. Discussions around you, colleagues on the phone, constant ringing... although 65% of office workers are used to it, 19% say it drives them crazy! *
The lack of privacy is therefore - unsurprisingly - one of the first complaints raised against open spaces. To find a little peace of mind, here are several objects that are easy to install and inexpensive.
Removable division walls allow you to divide the space, by creating, for example, zones per department or activity, in accordance with the organization of your company. These extremely modular structures are available in numerous sizes and materials, depending on the desired degree of sound insulation, intimacy and lighting.
Screen panels are perfect for a little bit of intimacy with linear organized desks. In addition, you also have an additional display surface for messages (or photos)!
Green plants and storage cabinets can have a dividing function (what paradoxically ensures coherence), don't forget this!
We hope that these numerous recommendations and solutions will help you to live (and work of course) well in an open space!