General services

A well-equipped warehouse and safe rooms are essential for each company.

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You are now visiting the page General services.
In order to expand your search, we invite you to visit also, the following assortments : Storage, Warehouse, Safety, Coat lockers & industrial furniture, Maintenant & equipment, Security and equipment, Cloakrooms, shelves and workshop furniture, Tools and hardware, Gardening or Vehicle & mobility.

Safety at work is very important and the norms keep getting more strict. Here you'll find everything to make sure safety isn't compromised.

For personal safety you should explore the section security material: you will find safety clothing and shoes as well as first-aid kits.

But we've also considered the safety of your equipment. In the safety section you will see, among other things, fire protection gear and vaults.

Working safely is of course easier in a well-equipped warehouse. Store away clothing in one of our many wardrobes and use shelves and storage boxes.

Finally, you can find here all supplies needed for your packages or shipments: boxes, adhesive tape, letter scales,...
in short, everything for a good, safe organization!